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Meet our Shidoin and Fukushidoin


Eligibility for Shihan requires holding the rank of 6th dan for a minimum of 6 years. Shihan is an appointment designated by Aikikai World Headquarters at the recommendation of Yamada Sensei, and is reviewed once a year as part of the kagami biraki (new year's promotion) process.  Receiving Shihan certification is not automatic as there are several other factors taken into consideration.

Shihan can test USAF members through 3rd dan. 4th dan testing must be administered by Shihan of the Technical Committee. No additional power or authority accompanies the title of Shihan, rather it shows ones qualifications as an Aikido instructor of the highest level.

Shihan certification is organization-specific and cannot to be transferred outside of the USAF; therefore, only USAF Shihan are posted. 

Shihan list as of 1/2021

  • Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan, New York Aikikai

  • Akira Tohei Shihan, Midwest Aikido Center, In Memoriam

  • Mitsunari Kanai Shihan, New England Aikikai, In Memoriam

  • Sugano Seiichi Shihan, New York Aikikai, In Memoriam

  • Harvey Konigsberg Shihan, Woodstock Aikido

  • Claude Berthiaume Shihan, Aikido de la Montagne

  • Peter Bernath Shihan, Florida Aikikai

  • Donovan Waite Shihan, Aikido of Greater Philadelphia

  • Andy Demko Shihan, New Castle Aikikai

  • Mike Abrams Shihan, New York Aikikai

  • Steve Pimsler Shihan, New York Aikikai

  • Robert Workoff Shihan, New York Aikikai

  • Rick Stickles Shihan, Aikido Schools of New Jersey, In Memoriam

  • Hal Lehrman Shihan, Aikido of Park Slope

  • Larry Bieri Shihan, Finger Lakes Aikido

  • Ariff Mehter Shihan, Aikido of Cincinnati

  • Eddie Hagihara, Long Island Aikikai

  • Linda Lee Vecchio Shihan, Aikido of Cleveland, In Memoriam

  • Luqman Abdul Hakeem Shihan, Aikido School of Maghreb, In Memoriam

  • George Kennedy Shihan, Aikido Centers of Atlanta

  • Bernard Mulligan Shihan, Shodokan, In Memoriam

  • Michael Sheahon Shihan, Greater Hartford Aikikai

  • Henry Smith Shihan, Aikikai of Philadelphia, In Memoriam

  • Richard Stroud Shihan, MIT Aikido Club, In Memoriam

    • 2013:

  • Dermot McDonald Shihan, Aikido Institute of Newfoundland

  • Raymond Farinato Shihan, Aikido of Fairfield County

  • Irvin Faust Shihan, Albany Aikido, In Memoriam

  • Douglas Firestone Shihan, Aikido of Westchester

  • Charlie McGinnis Shihan, Aikido of Cincinnati

  • Edward Peteroy Shihan, USAF Academy Aikido Club

  • Robert Saad Shihan, Aikido de la Montagne

  • Frank Wong Shihan, Aikido Curacao

    • 2014:

  • T.K. Lee Shihan, Aikido of Houston, In Memoriam

  • Larry Levitt Shihan, Valley Aikido

  • Dennis Meno Shihan, Suncoast Aikido

  • Joseph Nemeth Shihan, Aikido of Nassau County

  • Gordon Sakamoto Shihan, Northern Virginia Aikikai

  • Peter Tamagni Shihan, Vineland Aikikai, In Memoriam

  • Darrell Tangman Shihan, Augusta Aikido Club

    • 2015:

  • Penny Bernath Shihan, Florida Aikikai

  • Sioux Hall Shihan, Harvard Aikikai, In Memoriam

  • Yukiko Katagiri Shihan, Cornell Aikido Club

  • Yoko Okamoto Shihan, Portland Aikikai

    • 2016:

  • Nelson Andujar Shihan, Nations Aikido

  • Steven Kaufman Shihan, Open Sky Aikikai

  • Grady Lane Shihan, Brevard Aikikai

  • Daniel Laurendeau Shihan, McGill Aikido

  • Giles Longpre Shihan, McGill Aikido

  • Yousuf Mehter Shihan, Aikido of Central New York

  • Walter Van Enck Shihan, Midwest Aikido Center, In Memoriam

  • Richard Wagener Shihan, Palm Beach Aikikai

    • 2017:

  • Collins Smith Shihan, Bermuda Aikikai

  • Kazuho Nishida Shihan, City Aikido of Los Angeles

    • 2018:

  • David Birt Shihan, Davis Aikikai

  • Glenn Brooks Shihan, Aikido of Scottsdale

  • Edmund Di Marco Shihan, Lake County Aikikai

  • Chester Griffin Shihan, Long Beach Island Aikikai

  • Eugene Monteleone Shihan, Suffolk Aikikai

  • Laura Jacobs Pavlick Shihan, Litchfield Hills Aikikai

  • Gentil Pennewaert Shihan, Newport Beach Aikikai

  • Gustavos Ramos Shihan, Miami Aikikai

  • Eliot Rifkin Shihan, Miami Aikikai

  • William Xavier Staub Shihan, Waianae Coast Aikido

  • Geraldin Tremblay Shihan, Waianae Coast Aikido

  • Arthur Wise Shihan, Evanston Aikido Center

    • 2019:

  • Eugene Abarrategui Shihan, Aikido de la Montagne, In Memoriam

    • 2020:

  • Spiros Koyanis, Two Rivers Aikikai

  • Musashi Numata, Princeton Aikikai

    • 2021

  • Damon Apodaca – Santa Fe Budokan

  • Patrick Hardesty – Kentuckiana Aikikai

  • Alicia Cordero Hardesty – Kentuckiana Aikikai

  • Stephan Jesberger – Mohawk Valley Aikido

  • Brian Mizerak – Woodstock Aikido

  • Daniel Palmer  – Asheville Aikikai

  • Gail Skinner – Aikido of the Canyon Lands


Shidoin is certification granted to an instructor who has had yondan for at least 1 year, and is a regularly scheduled instructor at the dojo. It is usually given only to the Chief Instructor, and the appointment of more then one shidoin in a dojo will be reviewed as to its necessity. A Shidoin may test up to and including 1st kyu alone. In order to test a student for shodan and nidan rank, there must be at least 2 Shidoin on the testing committee. Sandan and above must test in front of a Shihan. SHIDOIN CERTIFICATION IS DOJO-SPECIFIC AND IS DETERMINED BY THE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR OF A DOJO.  THE CERTIFICATION DOES NOT TRAVEL WITH AN INDIVIDUAL IF THEY RELOCATE TO A NEW DOJO.

In order to apply for Shidoin, the applicant must be recommended by either a Shidoin or Shihan. The purpose of this title is to grant the Chief Instructor of a dojo the ability to test his or her own students and therefore to promote growth within the dojo. It is not a reward, given solely on the basis of rank, and will not be granted for that purpose. This teaching certification will be awarded only on an as needed basis. The status of all applying and renewing shidoin is subject to review by the Technical Committee.

In order to maintain certification, Shidoin must attend one major seminar each year and attend the class for instructors that may be offered at that seminar. In addition, they must attend a second seminar taught by a member of the Technical Committee in the same calendar year as well as be an active USAF member in good standing of a USAF dojo in good standing.

Shidoin list as of 12/2020

  • Tim Antrim, Southside Aikido Club

  • Damon G. Apodaca, Santa Fe Budokan

  • Matthew Bagedonow, MIT Aikido Club

  • James Baker, Aikido of Norfolk

  • Gene Batan, Aikido of Fairfield County

  • Knut Bauer, Central Illinois Aikikai

  • Driss Benmoussa, Casablanca Aikikai

  • Thomas Berry, Aikido of Ashland Kentucky

  • Calvin Blanchard, Twin Cities Aikido Center

  • Fiona Blyth, Boston Aikikai

  • Jose Bonachea, Miami Aikikai

  • Gary Bushorn, Aikido of Cincinnati

  • Dolita Cathcart, Harvard Aikikai

  • Fabio Chirinos, Dairyukai Aikikai

  • Anthony Chong, Aikido Curacao

  • Christopher Clark, Portland Aikido

  • James Constable, Lunenburg Aikikai

  • Tim Cooper, Albany Aikido

  • Robert Crowell, Knoxville Aikikai

  • Jesus Delgado-Arias, Miami Aikikai

  • Jean-Rene David, Aikido de la Montagne

  • Andrew L. Demko, New Castle Aikikai

  • Patricia W. Demko, New Castle Aikikai

  • Karen De Paola, Skylands Aikikai

  • Maria Cristina Dumlao, Gold Coast Aikikai

  • Byron Eddy, Litchfield Hills Aikikai

  • Brian Ericksen, Heaven and Earth Aikido

  • Anthony Fiore, Aikido of Chester County

  • Sylvie Firestone, Aikido of Westchester

  • Paul Forhan, Aikido of El Paso

  • Julia Freedgood, Valley Aikido

  • Alan James Gay, Savannah Aikikai

  • Paul Glavine, Aikido Institute of Newfoundland

  • Roger Geertz Gonzalez, Florida Aikikai

  • Kevin P. Grace, Albany Aikido

  • Larry Graham, Kansas City Aikido School

  • Donna Grant, Southern Maryland Aikido Center

  • James Graves, Southland Aikido

  • Vu Xuan Ha, Boston Aikikai

  • Patrick Hardesty, Kentuckiana Aikikai/ University of Louisville Aikido Club

  • Alicia Hardesty-Cordero, Kentuckiana Aikikai/ University of Louisville Aikido Club

  • Motier Haskins, Fairfield Iowa Aikikai

  • Jack Hayes, Cedar Rapids Aikikai

  • Daniel Hayes, Chushin Aikikai

  • George Hemmings, St. Ives Aiki Dojo

  • Emmanuel Herzog, Florida Aikikai

  • Kali Hewitt-Blackie, Regent Park Community Aikido

  • Colleen Hogan, Aikido Institute of Newfoundland

  • Michel J. Hovan, Granite State Aikido Club

  • Victor Hung, Aikido of Colorado

  • Watu Wadada Brent James, Aikido Center of Atlanta

  • Damir Jamsek, Austin Aikikai

  • Stephen Jesberger, Mohawk Valley Aikido

  • Frank Johnson, Aikido of Nassau County

  • Ayal Joshua, Miami Aikikai

  • Sharon Kanai, New England Aikikai

  • Salvatore LaCorte, North Coast Aikikai

  • Jean Laplante, Aikikai de l’Universite Laval

  • Joshua Layton, Monteregie Aikikai

  • Rock Lazo, Kenosha Aikikai

  • Matthias Lynch, Glen Ellyn Aikido Club

  • Dennis Main, Aikido of Charlotte

  • Lauren Mallas, San Francisco Aikikai

  • Paul Manogue, Aikido of Raritan Valley/Ren Sei Kan

  • Cliff Marcus, Aikido of Nassau County

  • Lynn Marshall, Two Rivers Aikikai

  • Michael Martin, Capitol Hill Aikikai

  • Todd Martin, Aikido of Northampton

  • Robert Mason, Aikido of Dallas

  • Wayne Massey, El Paso Aikikai

  • Matthew May, Midwest Aikido Center

  • William McLuskie, Water Oak Aikikai

  • Michael McNally, Hoboken Aikikai

  • Karen Meno, Suncoast Aikido

  • Thomas Milucci, Aikido of Fairfield County

  • Brian Mizerak, Kingston Aikido

  • Susan Monroe, Aikido of Cincinnati

  • Lynne Morrison, Florida Aikikai

  • Richard Morrison, Center Island Aikido

  • Daryl Muranaka, Harvard Aikikai

  • Noel Murphy, Alamo Area Aikikai

  • Jun-ya Nakatsugawa, New York Aikikai

  • Masako Nakatsugawa, Syracuse University Aikido Club

  • Richard Nardi, Aikido Center of Atlanta

  • Eugene Nelson, Florida Aikikai

  • Cong Nguyen, Summit View Aikido

  • David Norton, Pax River Aikikai

  • Marie Numata, Princeton Aikikai

  • Eugene O’Connor, Bermuda Aikikai

  • Larry Ozenberger, Aikido of New Orleans

  • Anthea Pascaris, Notting Hill Aikikai

  • Michael Patino, Florida Aikikai

  • Arturo Peal, Aikido of New Orleans

  • Jason Perna, Old City Aikido

  • Thanh Vinh Pham, Aikido de la Montagne

  • Ismael Rangel, Aikido of Austin

  • Mark Reichert, Cornell Aikido Club

  • Jonathan Reid, Aikido of Central New York

  • Chuck Renner, Springfield Aikido School

  • David Ross, Aiki Muenster

  • Herve Rouxel, Palm Beach Aikikai

  • Joseph F. Roy, Aikido Schools of New Jersey

  • Youssef Sadkane, Sadkane School for Aikido

  • Samuel Santiago, Aikido Chiheisen

  • Edward Schechtman, Center Island Aikido

  • Dee Seabolt, Aikido Center of Jacksonville

  • Annette Schediwy-Mackrel, Woodstock Aikido

  • James Shaffer, Long Beach Island Aikikai

  • Sidney Shiba, Aikido of Plano

  • Jeffrey Shimonski, Florida Aikikai

  • James Sinnott, Aikido Institute of Newfoundland

  • Gail Harold Skinner, Aikido of the Canyonlands

  • James Soviero, Aikido of Red Bank

  • Marilyn St John, Woodstock Aikido

  • Blue Spruell, Peachtree Aikikai Atlanta

  • Jay Stallman, Peachtree Aikikai Atlanta

  • Edwin Sterns, Aikido Center of Atlanta

  • Kevin Templer, Aikido of San Antonio

  • Jayne Thompson, Cedar Rapids Aikikai

  • Robert Toabe, MIT Aikido Club

  • Eran Vardi, Aikido of Ramapo Valley

  • Javier Vazques-Bravo, San Juan Aikikai

  • G. Jeffrey Vernis, Palm Beach Aikikai

  • Norbert J. Verville, San Francisco Aikikai

  • Bonita M. Veysey, Skylands Aikikai

  • Alex Vieira, Skylands Aikikai

  • James Walsh, Florida Aikikai

  • Robert Ward, Aikido of Prescott

  • Jonathan Weiner, Aikido of Charlotte

  • Naomi Wentworth, Midwest Aikido Center

  • Robert Whelan, Shodokan

  • Edward Williams, Vineland Aikikai

  • Christine Wong, Aikido of Santa Barbara

  • Gordon Wormser, Aikido of Park Slope

  • Ken Yamazaki, NY Eastside Aikikai

  • Kiyoshi Yasutake, Midwest Aikido Center

  • Jerry Zimmerman, Aikido of North Jersey


Fukushidoin is an assistant teacher certification granted to those who have been a nidan for at least 1 year. The applicant must teach class on a regularly scheduled basis. They may test kyu ranks up to and including 1st Kyu.  FUKUSHIDOIN CERTIFICATION IS DOJO-SPECIFIC AND IS DETERMINED BY THE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR OF A DOJO.  THE CERTIFICATION DOES NOT TRAVEL WITH AN INDIVIDUAL IF THEY RELOCATE TO A NEW DOJO.

In order to apply for Fukushidoin, the applicant must be recommended by either a Fukushidoin, Shidoin or Shihan. The purpose of this title is to grant the Chief Instructor of a dojo the ability to test his or her own students and therefore to promote growth within the dojo. It is not a reward, given solely on the basis of rank, and will not be granted for that purpose. This teaching certification will be awarded only on an as needed basis. The status of all applying and renewing Fukushidoin is subject to review by the Technical Committee.

In order to maintain certification, Fukushidoin must attend one major seminar each year and attend the class for instructors that may be offered at that seminar. In addition, they must attend a second seminar taught by a member of the Technical Committee in the same calendar year as well as be an active USAF member in good standing of a USAF dojo in good standing.

Fukushidoin list as of 12/2020

  • Reynaldo Abreu, Miami Aikikai

  • Jerry Akel, Aikido Center of Jacksonville

  • Joao Alcantara, Newport Beach Aikikai

  • Peter L. Aldrich, Bermuda Aikikai

  • Crystal N. Aldrich, Aikido New London County

  • E. Lee Alexander, Aikido of Red Bank

  • Alexander Angustain, Maru Aikikai South

  • Jonathan Aronson, Saratoga Aikido

  • Heath Atchley, Aikido of Amherst

  • Maite Azcoitia, Gold Coast Aikikai

  • James Baptiste, Bermuda Aikikai

  • Kevin Bennet, Peachtree Aikikai Atlanta

  • Robert Bergman, Regent Park Community Aikido

  • Gabriel Bixel, Aiki Muenster

  • Margaret Bower, Water’s Edge Aikikai

  • David F. Breniak, Aikido of Red Bank

  • Normand Brodeur, Aikikai de L’Universite Laval

  • Nathan Burd, Aikido of Prescott

  • Christy Calder, Aikido of Santa Barbara

  • Louis Caron, Aikido of Santa Barbara

  • Jason Carter, Newport Beach Aikikai

  • Aaron Cass, Portsmouth Aikido

  • Dave Childers, North Coast Aikikai

  • Ivar W. Christopher, Iowa City Aikikai

  • Robert L. Clark, Kitsap Aikido

  • David Cody, Aikido of New Orleans

  • Bryan Coffie, Aikido Aruba

  • Ralph R. Craig, Mohawk Valley Aikido

  • Lynne Crystal, Aikido of Red Bank

  • Charles Cunningham, Grinnell Aikikai

  • Shawn Dansby, Aikido of Cincinnati

  • Thomas A. Davis, Peachtree Aikikai Atlanta

  • Jerry N. Dewees, Twin Cities Aikido Center

  • Mario Di Marco, Lake County Aikikai

  • Ursula Donnelly, Center Island Aikido

  • Diane P. Dubois, Lewiston Aikido/Willow

  • Matthew Dykeman, North Shore Aikikai

  • A. Scott DeJesse, Aikido of Amarillo

  • Neal Earhart, Aikido of Westchester

  • Christopher Ednie, Aikido of Red Bank

  • Edward Estrada, Water Oak Aikikai

  • Michael Fitzpatrick, Aikido of Red Bank

  • Robert Fraley, Two Rivers Aikikai

  • Graham Fraser, Mount Saint Vincent Aikikai

  • Georgette Frate-Mikus, North Coast Aikikai

  • Rejean Gauthier, Aikikai de L’Universite Laval

  • Marilene Gelinas, Monteregie Aikikai

  • Damon Grace, Kingston Aikido

  • Peter Greig, Southern Maryland Aikido Center

  • Francesco Grieco, Aikido of Santa Barbara

  • Michael Grover, Sadkane School for Aikido

  • Ivan Guerra, Aikido of Westchester

  • Peter Gundy, Aikido of Westchester

  • John Hadfield, Diamond State Aikido

  • Eric Hardendorff, Aikido of Northampton

  • Christopher Hawke, Litchfield Hills Aikikai

  • Vincent Hauser, Austin Aikikai

  • Nelson Hayes, Aikido North Jersey

  • Katie Haywood, Open Sky Aikikai

  • Robert Humphreys, Allegheny College Aikikai

  • Nassim Hurd, Portland Aikikai

  • Tom Ito, Southland Aikido

  • Roderick Johnson, Aikikai of Philadelphia

  • Kim Johnston, NY Eastside Aikikai

  • Edward Kardell, Aikido of the Canyon Lands

  • Dean G. Karres, Central Illinois Aikikai

  • David Katz, Aikido of Westchester

  • Chris K. Kerin, Aikido of Fairfield County

  • Damien Kick, Austin Aikikai

  • Lenore Irene Killam, Sangamon Aikikai

  • John Kilpatrick, Okolona Aikido

  • Will Kirkpatrick, Monadnock Aikikai

  • Shawn Kim, Plano Aikido Center

  • Scott Korbylo, Aikido of Raritan Valley/Ren Sei Kan

  • Eiji Kurashige, Chatham Aikido

  • Robert C. Kores, Aikido School of Memphis

  • Barry Kushel, Aikido of Nassau County

  • Penny Landschoot, Austin Aikikai

  • Stephen Lasher, Aikido of Central New York

  • Garrett Lee, Maru Aikikai South

  • Dya K. Levitt, Harvard Aikikai

  • Reuven Lirov, Pinellas County Aikikai

  • Michael Livingston, Center Island Aikido

  • John Manderson, Bermuda Aikikai

  • Dale Mankin, El Paso Aikikai

  • Giorgio Mariani, Aikido of Scottsdale

  • Jason Martell, Lunenburg Aikikai

  • Meipo Martin, Capital Hill Aikikai

  • Edgar Martinez, Miami Aikikai

  • Peter J. McDade, Shodokan

  • Danilo Mezzadri, Aikido of Hattiesburg

  • Joel B. Miller, Austin Aikikai

  • Chris Mills, Island Aikido

  • Robert L. Mintz, Prairie Aikikai

  • Glenn Murray, Aikido Center of Atlanta

  • Michael Napoli, Portland Aikikai

  • Alex Nelson, Two Rivers Aikikai

  • Steve Nelson,  Aikido of Norfolk

  • Walter T. Oka, Aikido of Cincinnati

  • Jonathan Olson, Aikikai de L’Universite Laval

  • Sandra Parker, Aikido of Prescott

  • Jason Parsons, Kern River Aikikai

  • Pat Patton, Aikido of Cincinnati

  • Charn Pennewaert, Newport Beach Aikikai

  • Karen Peterson, Aikido of Northampton

  • Teri Pierson, Two Rivers Aikikai

  • Stefan Pisocki, Diamond State Aikido

  • Evie Pond, Central New Brunswick Aikikai

  • Neil Quigley, Aikido Institute of Newfoundland

  • James Reed Jones, Aikido of Prince Edward Island

  • Bradley D. Rettew, Aikido North Jersey

  • Herman Rodriguez, Lake County Aikikai

  • Adam Roehrig, Kentuckiana Aikikai

  • Kevin Roland,  Northern Virginia Aikikai

  • Dale Roznowski, Aikido of Hernando County

  • Rain Sadkane, The Sadkane School of Aikido

  • Juan Sampayo Sarraga, San Juan Aikikai

  • Acxel Saravia, Lenape Aikikai

  • Mike Schumacher, Pax River Aikikai

  • Garn G. Sherman, Jr., West Georgia Aikikai

  • Edward Shockley, Aikikai of Philadelphia

  • Benjamin Silver, Aikido of Santa Barbara

  • Michael H. Silverman, Asheville Aikikai

  • Don Slater, Georgia Southern University Aikido Club

  • Tinka Sloss, Aikido of Santa Barbara

  • Randall Smith, Florida Aikikai

  • Michael Terruso, Vineland Aikikai

  • Derrell Thomas, Aikido Schools of New Jersey

  • Myron Thomas, Maru Aikikai South

  • Brian A. Vacante, Aikido North Jersey

  • Matthew M. Wavro, Aikido of Red Bank

  • Tommy Lee White, Open Sky Aikikai

  • Martin Wise, Mandala Aikido

  • Rod Yabut, Southland Aikido

  • Yordan Yordanov, Aikido of New Orleans

  • Krzysztof Zawadzki, Aikido of Fairfield County

  • Donald Zdeb, Litchfield Hills Aikikai

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