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A Message from the USAF Board of Directors 2024_08_29

Dear USAF Community,


We hope this finds you well and enjoying your summer.


It has been a year and a half since Yamada Sensei's passing, and the USAF continues to be healthy and strong, thanks to the efforts of everyone in the organization.


As you may know, the Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who, if nominated and elected, may serve up to two consecutive four-year terms. Pursuant to the term limits set forth in the USAF By-laws, after serving for two consecutive terms, members must take at least a one-year hiatus before being eligible to serve again.


This past winter, the Board thought it best to extend the end date of 3 of its members’ terms from January 31st to August 31st in order to resolve some outstanding issues. Therefore, with September upon us, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the following Board members for their service: Peter Bernath Shihan - Florida Aikikai (Technical Committee Board representative), Joseph Nemeth Shihan - Aikido of Nassau County (Chair), and Julia Freedgood Shihan - Valley Aikido.


In addition to their many years of oversight, Peter, Joe and Julia helped the Board and the USAF navigate the challenges presented by COVID and the passing of Yamada Sensei. Peter will continue to attend Board meetings in his role as TC Chair and the Board looks forward to working with him in this capacity. Joe, in addition to serving as Chair over the years, has always been there to help in whatever way possible, including on-site at USAF summer camps. Julia brought to the Board her decades of experience and expertise in the not-for-profit sector. She has served as Treasurer and among other things, has helped with the drafting of policies and procedures. The dedication of Peter, Joe and Julia to the USAF is noteworthy and we thank them for their service. Please know, Joe and Julia will continue on as Advisors to the Board.


Recently, the following three people were elected to the Board. Their terms will begin on September 1st, 2024.


·     Steve Pimsler Shihan, New York Aikikai, Technical Committee Board representative:


Steve brings institutional knowledge as a decades-long USAF member and TC member. He has not-for-profit experience, and he will act as liaison between the Board and the TC. Having a TC member on the Board helps ensure that the 3 pillars of the USAF – the Board, TC and Administration - are united and informed of all USAF business, and work together to best achieve the USAF mission. We welcome Steve as a new Board member from the East Coast.


·     Christine Wong Shidoin, Aikido of Santa Barbara, Secretary:


Through the decades, Chris has supported the Board in several capacities – as Board member, Secretary, and most recently, Advisor to the Board. She has also helped enormously with Board processes, including taking notes and drafting the Board meeting minutes. Like Steve, Chris brings with her a great deal of institutional knowledge, and cares deeply about the USAF. As of September 1st, she will assume the officer position of Secretary. We welcome Chris as a new Board member from the West Coast.


·     Matthias Lynch Shidoin, Glen Ellyn Aikido Club


Matthias is new to the USAF Board, and we are excited to have him join the group. He started practicing Aikido in the late eighties at the Twin Cities Aikido Center in what was then the Midwest Region of the USAF, run by the late Akira Tohei Shihan. He was also one of Tohei Sensei’s kenshusei. Matthias eventually moved to Japan and continued his studies of Japanese and Aikido. In 2006, Matthias became Chief Instructor of Glen Ellyn Aikido Club. His dojo holds classes on a college campus and the Board looks forward to his input as it relates to the circumstances and needs of our many college club dojos. He also brings with him Japanese language skills and an insider’s perspective to Hombu Dojo. We welcome Matthias as a new Board member from the Midwestern region.


Finally, we would also like to thank Ray Farinato Shihan – Aikido of Fairfield County – for his work as Secretary and Treasurer. Effective September 1st, with Joe’s departure and Chris taking over as Secretary, Ray will become the new Chair while continuing his role as Treasurer. Thank you, Ray, for your many years of hard work as Secretary.


We hope you find this letter informative as to the changes to the composition of the Board and we welcome any questions or concerns you may have as we continue to work together for the good of the aikido community.


With warm regards,


The USAF Board of Directors


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